This lists any sorts of things that should be fixed upstream, but are instead manually curated in the Bioregistry.

License Conflicts

The following chart shows which manual annotations in the OBO Foundry are inconsistent with those extracted by the OLS.

Prefix OBO License OLS License


The following issues are with the integrity of the data in the MIRIAM registry (

Incorrect Pattern

The following entries have an incorrect value in the pattern field.

Prefix Name MIRIAM Correct
ark Archival Resource Key ^(ark\:)/*[0-9A-Za-z]+(?:/[\w/.=*+@\$-]*)?(?:\?.*)?$ ^/*[0-9A-Za-z]+(?:/[\w/.=*+@\$-]*)?(?:\?.*)?$
atcc American Type Culture Collection ^\d+$ ^([a-zA-Z]+-)?\d+(\.\d)?$
bigg.compartment BiGG Compartment ^[a-z_A-Z]+$ ^c|cm|cx|e|f|g|h|i|im|l|m|mm|n|p|r|s|u|um|v|w|x|y$
bigg.metabolite BiGG Metabolite ^[a-z_A-Z0-9]+$ ^[a-z_A-Z0-9]+(\[[c|cm|cx|e|f|g|h|i|im|l|m|mm|n|p|r|s|u|um|v|w|x|y]\])?$
biodeep BioDeep Database ^BioDeep_\d{11}$ ^\d{11}$
biofactoid Biofactoid ^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$ ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$
biomodels.kisao Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology ^KISAO_\d+$ ^\d+$
biomodels.teddy Terminology for Description of Dynamics ^TEDDY_\d{7}$ ^\d+$
bioportal BioPortal ^\d+$ ^(\d+)|(\w+)$
bto BRENDA Tissue Ontology ^BTO:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
ccds Consensus CDS ^CCDS\d+\.\d+$ ^CCDS\d+(\.\d+)?$
cco Cell Cycle Ontology ^CCO:\w+$ ^\w+$
cellosaurus Cellosaurus ^CVCL_[A-Z0-9]{4}(\.txt)?$ ^[A-Z0-9]{4}$
chebi Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ^CHEBI:\d+$ ^\d+$
cheminf Chemical Information Ontology ^CHEMINF:\d+$ ^\d{6}$
cl Cell Ontology ^CL:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
classyfire ClassyFire ^C[0-9]{7}$ ^\d{7}$
cog Cluster of orthologous genes ^COG[0-9]+$ ^COG\d+$
cosmic COSMIC Gene ^[A-Z0-9]+$ ^[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9-]*$
did Decentralized Identifier ^did:[a-z0-9]+:[A-Za-z0-9.\-:]+$ ^[a-z0-9]+:[A-Za-z0-9.\-:]+$
doi Digital Object Identifier ^(doi\:)?10\.\d+/.*$ ^10.\d{2,9}/.*$
doid Human Disease Ontology ^DOID:\d+$ ^\d+$
drugcentral Drug Central ^[0-9]+$ ^\d+$
ec Enzyme Nomenclature ^\d+\.-\.-\.-|\d+\.\d+\.-\.-|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.-|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.(n)?\d+$ ^\d{1,2}(((\.\d{1,3}){1,3})|(\.\d+){2}\.[nB]\d{1,3}|\.-\.-\.-|\.\d{1,3}\.-\.-|\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.-)?$
eco Evidence and Conclusion Ontology ECO:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
empiar Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive EMPIAR-\d{5,} ^\d+$
envo Environment Ontology ^ENVO:\d{7,8}$ ^\d{7,8}$
eo Plant Environment Ontology ^(P)?EO\:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
fairsharing FAIRsharing ^bsg-[dscp]?\d{6}$ ^(bsg-[dscp]?\d{6})|(FAIRsharing\.\w+)$
fma Foundational Model of Anatomy ^FMA:\d+$ ^\d+$
foodon The Food Ontology ^FOODON:[0-9]{8}$ ^[0-9]{8}$
geogeo Geographical Entity Ontology ^GEO_[0-9]{9}$ ^\d{9}$
github GitHub username ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$ ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)?$
gitlab GitLab ^[0-9A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z-_()\. ]*/[0-9A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z-_\. ]*$ ^.*/.*$
glyconavi GlycoNAVI ^GN_[A-Za-z]*[_]*[A-Za-z0-9-:_]+$ ^GN_[A-Za-z0-9_:]+$
go Gene Ontology ^GO:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
go.ref Gene Ontology Database references ^GO_REF:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
google.patent Google Patents ^[A-Z]{2}\d+([A-Z])?$ ^[A-Z]{2,4}\d+([A-Z])?([0-9])?$
gramene.growthstage Gramene Growth Stage Ontology ^GRO:\d+$ ^\d{7}$
gramene.taxonomy Gramene Taxonomy ^GR\_tax\:\d+$ ^\d+$
gsso Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology ^GSSO:\d{6}$ ^\d{6}$
hgnc HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee ^((HGNC|hgnc):)?\d{1,5}$ ^\d{1,5}$
hp Human Phenotype Ontology ^HP:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
icd10 International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision ^[A-Z]\d+(\.[-\d+])?$ ^(([XVI]+)|([A-Z][0-9]+((-[A-Z][0-9]+)|(\.[0-9]))?))$
ido Infectious Disease Ontology ^[0-9]+$ ^\d{7}$
iedb.reference Immune Epitope Database References ^[0-9]+$ ^\d+$
imex International Molecular Exchange ^IM-\d+(-?)(\d+?)$ ^\d+(-\d+)?$
ito Intelligence Task Ontology ^.+$ ^\d+$
lincs.cell LINCS Cell (^LCL-\d+$)|(^LDC-\d+$)|(^ES-\d+$)|(^LSC-\d+$)|(^LPC-\d+$) ^(LCL|LDC|ES|LSC|LPC)-\d+$
lrg Locus Reference Genomic ^LRG_\d+$ ^\d+$
ma Mouse adult gross anatomy ^MA:\d+$ ^\d+$
mamo Mathematical modeling ontology ^MAMO_\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
maxo Medical Action Ontology \d{7} ^\d{7}$
mcro Model Card Report Ontology ^MCRO:\d+$ ^\d{7}$
mediadive.medium MediaDive Medium ^[A-Z]?[0-9]{1,5}[a-z]?$ ^\d+\w?$
merops.entry MEROPS Entry ^I\d{2}\.\d{3}$ ^[SCTAGMNUIX]{1,2}\d{2}\.([AB]\d{2}|\d{3})$
metatlas Metabolic Atlas ^MA[MR]\d{5}[a-z]?$ ^(MAM\d{5}\w)|(MAR\d{5})$
mge Aclame ^mge:\d+$ ^\d+$
mgi Mouse Genome Informatics ^MGI:\d+$ ^\d+$
mi Molecular Interactions Controlled Vocabulary ^MI:\d{4}$ ^\d{4}$
mint Molecular Interaction Database ^MINT\-\d{1,7}$ ^\d{1,7}$
mir Registry ^MIR:\d{8}$ ^\d{8}$
miriam namespace ^[a-z_\.]+$ ^[0-9a-z_:\.-]+$
miriam.collection MIRIAM Registry collection ^MIR:000\d{5}$ ^000\d{5}$
miriam.resource MIRIAM Legacy Registry Identifier ^MIR:001\d{5}$ ^001\d{5}$
mod Protein modification ^MOD:\d{5} ^\d{5}$
mp Mammalian Phenotype Ontology ^MP:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
ms Mass spectrometry ontology ^MS:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
mzspec Universal Spectrum Identifier ^mzspec:(PDX|USI|PXD)[0-9]{6}:[^:]+:(scan|index|nativeId):[0-9]+(:.*)?$ ^.+$
nando Nanbyo Disease Ontology ^NANDO:[0-9]+$ ^\d+$
neurolex NIF Standard Ontology: Neurolex ^([Bb]irnlex_|Sao|nlx_|GO_|CogPO|HDO|nifext_)\d+$ ^\d+$
nmdc National Microbiome Data Collaborative ^[A-Za-z0-9._~\-\:]+$ ^.{2,}$
nmr NMR-instrument specific component of metabolomics investigations ^NMR:\d+$ ^\d+$
obcs Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics ^OBCS:\d+$ ^\d{7}$
obi Ontology for Biomedical Investigations ^OBI_\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
ocid Ontology Concept Identifiers ocid:[0-9]{12} ^[0-9]{12}$
oma.hog OMA HOGs ^HOG:[0-9]{7}(\.[0-9a-z.]+)?(_[0-9]+)?$ ^[0-9]{7}(\.[0-9a-z.]+)?(_[0-9]+)?$
omia Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals ^\d+$ ^\d{6}(-\d+)?$
omim Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man ^[*#+%^]?\d{6}$ ^\d+$
opb Ontology of Physics for Biology ^OPB_\d+$ ^\d+$
opl Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle ^OPL:\d+$ ^\d{7}$
orphanet.ordo Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology ^Orphanet(_|:)C?\d+$ ^C?\d+$
panther.pthcmp PANTHER Pathway Component ^[GPUCS]\d{5}$ ^(G|P|U|C|S)\d{5}$
pato Phenotype And Trait Ontology ^PATO:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
pid.pathway NCI Pathway Interaction Database: Pathway ^\w+$ ^\b[0-9a-f]{8}\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\b[0-9a-f]{12}\b$
pmc PubMed Central PMC\d+ ^PMC\d+(\.\d+)?$
po Plant Ontology ^PO:\d+$ ^\d+$
pr Protein Ontology ^PR:P?\d+$ ^(?:\d{9}|[OPQ][0-9][A-Z0-9]{3}[0-9](?:-\d+)?|[A-NR-Z][0-9](?:[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{2}[0-9]){1,2}(?:-\d+)?)$
pride Proteomics Identification Database Ontology ^\d+$ ^\d{7}$
probonto Probability Distribution Ontology ^PROB_c\d+$ ^(c|k)\d{7}$
psipar Protein Affinity Reagents ^PAR:\d+$ ^\d+$
pw Pathway ontology ^PW:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
reactome Reactome (^R-[A-Z]{3}-\d+(-\d+)?(\.\d+)?$)|(^REACT_\d+(\.\d+)?$) ^R-[A-Z]{3}-\d+(-\d+)?(\.\d+)?$
refseq Reference Sequence Collection ^(((WP|AC|AP|NC|NG|NM|NP|NR|NT|NW|XM|XP|XR|YP|ZP)_\d+)|(NZ\_[A-Z]{2,4}\d+))(\.\d+)?$ ^(((AC|AP|NC|NG|NM|NP|NR|NT|NW|WP|XM|XP|XR|YP|ZP)_\d+)|(NZ_[A-Z]{2,4}\d+))(\.\d+)?$
ro Relation Ontology ^RO_\d{7}$ ^(HOM)?\d{7}$
rrid Research Resource Identification ^RRID:[a-zA-Z]+.+$ ^[a-zA-Z]+.+$
sbo Systems Biology Ontology ^SBO:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
sio Semanticscience Integrated Ontology ^SIO_\d{6,6}$ ^\d{6}$
slm SwissLipid ^SLM:\d+$ ^\d+$
so Sequence types and features ontology ^SO:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$
stato The Statistical Methods Ontology ^STATO:\d+$ ^\d{7}$
swh Software Heritage ^swh:[1-9]:(cnt|dir|rel|rev|snp):[0-9a-f]+(;(origin|visit|anchor|path|lines)=\S+)*$ ^[1-9]:(cnt|dir|rel|rev|snp):[0-9a-f]+(;(origin|visit|anchor|path|lines)=\S+)*$
tair.gene TAIR Gene ^Gene:\d{7}$ ^\d{7}$ The Arabidopsis Information Resource ^\d{7}$ ^\d+$
tair.protein TAIR Protein ^AASequence:\d{10}$ ^\d{10}$
uberon Uber Anatomy Ontology ^UBERON:\d+$ ^\d+$
uo Units of measurement ontology ^UO:\d{7}? ^\d{7}$
uspto United States Patent and Trademark Office ^(D|PP|R|T|H|X|AI)?\d+$ ^(\d{1,2},?\d{3},?\d{3}|(PP|RE|AI|RX)\d{2},?\d{3}|(D|T|H|X)\d{3},?\d{3})$
vario Variation Ontology ^VariO:\d+$ ^\d+$
vgnc Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee ^((VGNC|vgnc):)?\d{1,9}$ ^\d{1,9}$
wikidata Wikidata ^(Q|P)\d+$ ^(Q|P|E)\d+$
wikipedia.en Wikipedia ^[A-Za-z-0-9_]+$ ^\S+$
wormbase WormBase ^WB[A-Z][a-z]+\d+$ ^(CE[0-9]{5}|WB[A-Z][a-z]+\d+)$

Embedding of Namespace in LUI

The following entries have an incorrect value in the namespaceEmbeddedInLui field.

Prefix Name Pattern MIRIAM Correct

Prefix Mismatch when Namespace Embedded in LUI

When the namespace is embedded in the LUI, it’s expected that the prefix should be uppercased. This is often not the case.

Prefix Name Pattern Correct Prefix