Of the 1569 prefixes in the Bioregistry that have both an example local unique identifiers and at least one URI format string, 1109 (70.7%) were able to resolve (with a HTTP 200 status code) and 460 (29.3%) were not.

This comes with a few caveats:

  1. Some websites do not send appropriate HTTP statuses, and may return HTTP 200 even when redirecting to a default “Page Not Found” page. This means that this number might be artificially high.
  2. There are several reasons why resolution might fail, some of which are false positives (see below).


Why Does Resolution Fail?

  1. Often, the website suffered from a temporary issue and failed to resolve during check, but still works. Because this is possible, it’s better to compare the last few checks for any newly failing prefixes.
  2. gone - The website has been fully taken down. This often happens to academic websites
  3. hijacked - The website has been replaced with another unrelated website, and the URI format does not correspond to an existing endpoint anymore (e.g., the old site for atfdb.family has been replaced by something unrelated).
  4. moved - The website has been updated, and the URI format does not correspond to an existing endpoint anymore (solvable with additional curation).
  5. degraded - The website has been modified, and it’s no longer possible to link directly to a page for an entity (e.g., the site switched to using form data or has a single page application)
  6. uri-only - The website never existed in the first place. Some URI format strings are generated as artifacts of ontology curation, e.g., with Protégé, and were not meant to resolve. Ontologies typically use IRIs (a superset of URIs), which do not necessarily imply that their content are resolvable as a URL.
  7. misconfigured - The URI corresponds to a redirect that is misconfigured in the redirection service (e.g., this happened for several CropOCT ontologies (ref: #527) and sporadically for the OBO PURL service).
  8. curation-error - The URI format string was curated incorrectly.

Why Store URI Formats for Dead Resources?

It’s still valuable to store URI format strings, even if the websites don’t work anymore (or never did in the first place), because URIs based on these URI format strings may appear in biomedical resources like ontologies or databases. This makes the Bioregistry a more valuable tool for parsing these URIs and ultimately for standardizing data.


There are 1094 prefixes that remain passing and 444 that remained failing.

New failures

The following resources were passing in the previous check but not in the current check:


The following resources failed in the previous check but passed in the current check:


These results were run on 2024-10-20.

Prefix Example LUID Status
4dn.biosource 4DNSR73BT2A2 HTTP 200
4dn.replicate 4DNESWX1J3QU HTTP 200
aaindex BUNA790102 HTTP 200
abcam ab275461 HTTP 200
abcd AD834 HTTP 200
abm T0599 TooManyRedirects
abs A0014 HTTP 200
ac Add HTTP 200
aceview.worm aap-1 HTTP 200
adcad 00000 HTTP 200
addexbio C0020004/4992 HTTP 404
addgene 50943 HTTP 200
adms Asset HTTP 200
ado 0000001 HTTP 200
aeon 0000001 ConnectTimeout
affy.probeset 243002_at SSLError
afpo 0000440 HTTP 200
aftol.category 229 SSLError
aftol.taxonomy 959 ConnectionError
agricola 50018 HTTP 200
agrkb 100000000000001 HTTP 200
agro 00020007 HTTP 200
agrovoc 2842 HTTP 200
agsc 100E HTTP 200
agsd 4779 HTTP 200
aio Causal_Graphical_Model HTTP 404
aism 0000027 HTTP 200
allergome 1948 HTTP 200
alzforum.mutation app-d678n-tottori HTTP 503
alzgene 88 ConnectionError
amoebadb EDI_244000 HTTP 200
amphx 1000160 HTTP 200
antibodyregistry 493771 HTTP 200
antweb casent0106247 HTTP 200
anzctr ACTRN12623000498695 HTTP 200
aop 98 SSLError
aop.events 3 SSLError
aop.relationships 5 SSLError
aop.stressor 9 SSLError
apaonto Abdomen ConnectionError
apd 01001 SSLError
aphidbase.transcript ACYPI000159 HTTP 200
apid.interactions P01116 ConnectTimeout
apo 0000184 HTTP 200
apollosv 00000443 HTTP 200
arachnoserver AS000060 ReadTimeout
araport AT5G05330 HTTP 403
archdb 39421 HTTP 200
ardb CAE46076 HTTP 404
ark /53355/cl010066723 HTTP 200
aro 1000001 HTTP 200
arrayexpress E-MEXP-1712 HTTP 200
arrayexpress.platform A-GEOD-50 HTTP 200
arraymap icdom:8500_3 HTTP 525
arxiv 0807.4956v1 HTTP 200
asap ABE-0009634 HTTP 200
ascl 1801.012 HTTP 200
asin 0471491039 HTTP 404
aspgd.locus ASPL0000349247 ConnectTimeout
aspgd.protein ASPL0000349247 ConnectTimeout
asrp ASRP1423 HTTP 404
atc A10BA02 HTTP 200
atcc 11303 HTTP 200
atcvet QJ51RV02 HTTP 200
atfdb.family CUT HTTP 404
atol 0002233 HTTP 200
autdb ADA HTTP 200
authenticus P-008-GD6 HTTP 200
authorea.author 229233 HTTP 403
babelon translation_language HTTP 404
bacdive 131392 HTTP 200
bacmap.biog 1050 HTTP 200
bacmap.map AP011135 HTTP 200
bactibase BAC045 HTTP 500
bao 0002989 HTTP 200
bartoc 241 HTTP 200
bbkg topological-sampling/studio... HTTP 200
bbtp f0ba2f3e-aa6f-4264-8d18-8ee... HTTP 200
bcbc 4623 HTTP 404
bcio 040000 HTTP 404
bco 0000081 HTTP 404
bcrc 60316 SSLError
bcrj 0278 HTTP 200
bdgp.est EY223054.1 HTTP 200
bdgp.insertion KG09531 HTTP 200
bdsc 33607 HTTP 404
beetlebase TC010103 ConnectTimeout
begdb 4214 HTTP 403
beiresources MRA-253 HTTP 200
bfo 0000001 HTTP 200
bgee.gene FBgn0000015 HTTP 200
bibo authorList ConnectTimeout
bido CategorialBibliometricData ConnectTimeout
bigg.compartment c HTTP 405
bigg.metabolite 12dgr161 HTTP 405
bigg.model iECABU_c1320 HTTP 405
bigg.reaction 13GS HTTP 405
bindingdb e999 HTTP 200
biocarta.pathway h_aktPathway HTTP 200
biocatalogue.service 614 HTTP 403
biocompute 000001 HTTP 404
biodeep 00000000001 HTTP 405
biofactoid fdb8a927-45c3-48b7-9743-cbb... HTTP 200
biogrid 31623 HTTP 200
biogrid.interaction 2649230 HTTP 200
biokc bkc640 HTTP 200
biolegend 3403 HTTP 200
biolink Gene HTTP 404
biomagresbank 10046 ConnectionError
biominder aef4c195-9cf9-46db-a12a-7cf... HTTP 502
biomodels.db BIOMD0000000048 HTTP 200
biomodels.kisao 0000057 HTTP 404
biomodels.teddy 0000066 HTTP 200
biomodels.vocabulary rateRule HTTP 404
bionumbers 104674 HTTP 200
bioportal 1046 HTTP 200
bioproject PRJDB3 HTTP 200
bioregistry bioregistry HTTP 200
bioregistry.collection 0000001 HTTP 200
bioregistry.registry miriam HTTP 200
bioregistry.schema 0000001 HTTP 200
biorxiv 2022.07.08.499378 HTTP 200
biosample SAMEA2397676 HTTP 200
bioschemas Dataset HTTP 200
biosimulations Yeast-cell-cycle-Irons-J-Th... HTTP 200
biosimulators vcell HTTP 200
biostudies S-EPMC6266652 HTTP 200
biosystems 001 HTTP 404
biotools bioregistry HTTP 200
biozil ls-c35719-120 HTTP 200
birnlex 2023 HTTP 200
biro BibliographicRecord ConnectTimeout
bitbucket andreadega/systems-biology-... HTTP 200
bitterdb.cpd 46 HTTP 404
bitterdb.rec 1 HTTP 404
bko 0000204 HTTP 200
bmrb 15000 ConnectionError
bmrb.restraint 28789 HTTP 200
bold.taxonomy 27267 HTTP 200
bpdb 2404 HTTP 200
brenda HTTP 200
brenda.ligand 278 HTTP 200
brenda.ligandgroup 18030 HTTP 200
bridgedb hasPrimaryUriPattern HTTP 404
broad S7000002168151102 HTTP 200
bs 00042 HTTP 404
bspo 0000029 HTTP 200
bto 0000590 HTTP 200
bugbase.expt 288 ConnectTimeout
bugbase.protocol 67 ConnectTimeout
bykdb A0A009E7X8 ConnectionError
c4o InTextReferencePointer ConnectTimeout
cabri dsmz_mutz-id:ACC 291 HTTP 200
cadsr 3771992 ConnectionError
caloha TS-0001 HTTP 200
cameo 2019-08-03_00000089_1 HTTP 200
cao 000064 HTTP 405
caps 434 HTTP 200
caro 0000000 HTTP 200
cas 50-00-0 HTTP 403
cath HTTP 200
cath.domain 1cukA01 HTTP 200
cath.superfamily HTTP 200
cattleqtldb 4685 HTTP 200
cazy GT10 ReadTimeout
cba 375364 HTTP 200
cbioportal laml_tcga_pub HTTP 200
cc Work HTTP 200
ccdc 1829126 HTTP 200
ccds CCDS13573.1 HTTP 200
ccf extraction_set HTTP 404
ccle BT20_BREAST HTTP 200
cco 0000003 HTTP 200
ccrid 4201PAT-CCTCC00348 HTTP 200
cdao 0000072 HTTP 404
cdd cd00400 HTTP 200
cdno 0000013 HTTP 200
cdpd 63250 ConnectionError
cell_biolabs AKR-270 HTTP 200
cell_model_passport SIDM01262 HTTP 200
cellbank.australia ab-1-ha HTTP 404
cellimage 24801 SSLError
cellopub CLPUB00496 HTTP 200
cellosaurus 0440 HTTP 200
cellosaurus.resource 4DN HTTP 200
cellrepo 82 HTTP 200
cemo secondary_attack_rate HTTP 200
cgd CAL0003079 HTTP 200
cgnc 10087 HTTP 200
cgsc 74 ConnectionError
charprot CH_001923 HTTP 404
chebi 138488 HTTP 200
chembl CHEMBL4303805 HTTP 200
chembl.cell CHEMBL3307800 HTTP 200
chembl.compound CHEMBL465070 HTTP 200
chembl.target CHEMBL3467 HTTP 200
chemdb 3966782 HTTP 200
chemidplus 57-27-2 HTTP 200
cheminf 000410 HTTP 404
chemrof FullySpecifiedAtom HTTP 200
chemspider 56586 HTTP 200
chickenqtldb 14362 HTTP 200
chmo 0002902 HTTP 200
cido 0000005 HTTP 200
cienciavitae 0C1F-DA6C-4B02 HTTP 200
cio 0000040 HTTP 200
citexplore C6155 HTTP 200
cito sharesAuthorInstitutionWith ConnectTimeout
civic.aid 3 HTTP 200
civic.did 46 HTTP 200
civic.eid 1199 HTTP 200
civic.gid 272 HTTP 200
civic.mpid 559 HTTP 200
civic.sid 62 HTTP 200
civic.tid 14 HTTP 200
civic.vgid 16 HTTP 200
civic.vid 12 HTTP 200
cl 0000062 HTTP 200
clao 0000088 HTTP 200
classyfire 0004828 HTTP 200
clb 1010 HTTP 200
cldb cl3603 HTTP 404
clingene CA981206459 HTTP 200
clinicaltrials NCT00222573 HTTP 200
clinvar 12345 HTTP 200
clinvar.record RCV000033555.3 HTTP 200
clinvar.submission SCV000151292 HTTP 200
clinvar.submitter 26957 HTTP 200
clo 0000091 HTTP 200
cls 300108/p3934_A-172 HTTP 404
clyh 1000100 HTTP 200
cmecs 595 HTTP 200
cmo 0001350 HTTP 200
cmpo 0000435 HTTP 200
cnrs UMR7315 ConnectionError
co_320 0000618 HTTP 200
co_321 0000449 HTTP 200
co_322 0000773 HTTP 200
co_323 0000252 HTTP 200
co_324 0000111 HTTP 200
co_325 0000519 HTTP 200
co_326 0000254 HTTP 200
co_327 0000095 HTTP 200
co_330 0000106 HTTP 200
co_331 0000088 HTTP 200
co_333 3000045 HTTP 200
co_334 0000070 HTTP 200
co_335 0000189 HTTP 200
co_336 0000339 HTTP 200
co_337 0000054 HTTP 200
co_338 0000138 HTTP 200
co_339 0000032 HTTP 200
co_340 0000639 HTTP 200
co_341 0000140 HTTP 200
co_343 0100010 HTTP 200
co_345 0000127 HTTP 200
co_346 0000199 HTTP 200
co_347 0000108 HTTP 200
co_348 1100107 HTTP 200
co_350 0000215 HTTP 200
co_356 4000027 HTTP 200
co_357 1000290 HTTP 200
co_358 0000139 HTTP 200
co_359 0000947 HTTP 200
co_360 0000071 HTTP 200
co_365 0000205 HTTP 200
co_366 0000072 HTTP 200
co_367 0000004 HTTP 200
co_370 0000890 HTTP 200
cob 0000080 HTTP 200
coconut CNP0171505 HTTP 200
cog COG0001 HTTP 200
cog.category K HTTP 200
cog.pathway NAD%20biosynthesis HTTP 200
coi 63812 HTTP 200
col 4QHKG HTTP 200
col.taiwan 431472 HTTP 200
colao 0000000 HTTP 200
collagenmutdb COL3A1 HTTP 404
colonatlas ALA HTTP 200
combine.specifications sed-ml.level-1.version-1 HTTP 200
come MOL000160 ConnectionError
commoncoreontology DirectiveInformationContent... HTTP 200
complexportal CPX-263 HTTP 200
comptox DTXSID2021028 SSLError
compulyeast O08709 ConnectionError
conference isDocumentRelatedTo HTTP 200
confident.event 37af84f2-bfd7-4653-b608-eaf... HTTP 200
confident.series AAC HTTP 200
conoserver 2639 HTTP 200
conso CONSO00010 HTTP 200
cordis.article 436605 HTTP 302
cordis.project 817732 HTTP 200
coriell GM17027 HTTP 200
corrdb 37232 HTTP 200
corum 100 SSLError
cosmic BRAF HTTP 200
cosmic.cell 906801 HTTP 200
covid19 SFB_COVID19_MW286762 ConnectionError
covoc 0010034 ConnectTimeout
cpc A01M1/026 HTTP 403
cpt 00103 HTTP 200
cran ggplot2 HTTP 200
crates curies HTTP 404
credit software HTTP 200
crisprdb 551115 HTTP 500
cro 0000038 HTTP 200
crop2ml 000000001 SSLError
cryoem 0000052 HTTP 200
cryptodb cgd7_230 HTTP 200
csa 1a05 HTTP 404
cst Akt_PKB HTTP 200
cst.ab 3305 ReadTimeout
cstr 31253.11.sciencedb.j00001.0... HTTP 200
ctd.chemical D001151 HTTP 200
ctd.disease D053716 HTTP 200
ctd.gene 101 HTTP 200
cteno 0000047 HTTP 200
ctis 2023-503698-40-00 HTTP 404
cto 0000022 HTTP 200
ctri CTRI/2023/04/052053 HTTP 403
cutg 9606 HTTP 200
cvdo 0000546 HTTP 200
cvx 54 HTTP 200
d1id 00030692-0FE1-4A1B-955E-A2E... HTTP 200
dailymed 973a9333-fec7-46dd-8eb5-257... HTTP 200
dandi 000017 HTTP 200
darc 1250 ConnectionError
dashr hsa-mir-200a ReadTimeout
dashr.expression hsa-mir-200a ReadTimeout
datacite AgentIdentifierScheme ConnectTimeout
datacommons Gene HTTP 200
datanator.gene K00973 ConnectionError
datanator.metabolite OUYCCCASQSFEME-MRVPVSSYSA-N ConnectionError
datanator.reaction XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N... ConnectionError
dbd 0045310 HTTP 200
dbest BP100000 HTTP 200
dbg2introns Cu.me.I1 ReadTimeout
dbgap phs000768.v2.p1 HTTP 200
dblp.author 199/2168 HTTP 200
dbo careerPrizeMoney HTTP 200
dbprobe 1000000 HTTP 410
dbsnp rs121909098 HTTP 200
dbvar.study nstd102 HTTP 200
dbvar.variant nsv3875336 HTTP 200
dcat Dataset HTTP 200
dcterms title ConnectTimeout
dctypes Collection ConnectTimeout
ddanat 0000006 HTTP 200
ddinter.drug DDInter20 HTTP 200
ddinter.interaction 1122888 HTTP 200
ddpheno 0001417 HTTP 200
debio 0000001 HTTP 200
decipher 1 HTTP 200
degradome Ax1 HTTP 200
deo Reference ConnectTimeout
depmap ACH-000001 HTTP 200
depod PTPN1 HTTP 200
dermo 0000000 ConnectTimeout
dev.ga4ghdos 23fa7b4b-9d68-429b-aece-658... ConnectionError
devtox 311935300 HTTP 200
dg.4503 0000ffeb-36e0-4a29-b21d-844... HTTP 200
dg.4dfc 81944ba1-81d0-436e-8552-33d... HTTP 200
dg.6vts 2afacf00-9a1d-4d80-8c32-69d... HTTP 200
dg.anv0 00077f1c-c45a-47ba-8e6c-1bf... ConnectionError
dg.f82a1a 00026f50-858a-446b-8ed9-b0e... HTTP 200
dg5b0d 00000d53-99bc-4d3e-8ed7-6dc... HTTP 200
dggr 918902 HTTP 200
dgrc 215 SSLError
dhba 10153 HTTP 200
dialnet.article 262393 HTTP 200
dialnet.author 241889 HTTP 200
dialnet.book 187021 HTTP 200
dialnet.journal 1119 HTTP 200
dicom 109082 HTTP 404
dictybase DDB0191090 HTTP 500
dictybase.est DDB0016567 HTTP 200
dictybase.gene DDB_G0267522 HTTP 200
did sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw HTTP 200
dideo 00000180 HTTP 404
dip DIP-743N SSLError
discoverx 95-0166C6 HTTP 200
disdriv 0000000 HTTP 200
diseasesdb 1784 ConnectTimeout
disprot DP00003 HTTP 200
disprot.region DP00086r013 HTTP 200
dlxb 6VDC956 HTTP 200
dlxc M77F7JM HTTP 200
dmba 15567 HTTP 200
doap Project HTTP 200
dockerhub.repo gitea/gitea HTTP 200
dockerhub.user cthoyt HTTP 200
doco Paragraph ConnectTimeout
doi 10.1038/s41597-022-01807-3 HTTP 200
doid 0110974 HTTP 200
dommino 2GC4 ConnectTimeout
door 1398574 ConnectTimeout
doqcs.model 57 HTTP 200
doqcs.pathway 131 HTTP 200
dpv 100 HTTP 404
drduke 19 HTTP 404
drks DRKS00031815 HTTP 200
dron 00023232 HTTP 200
drsanv0 v2_1b0f158a-86e2-3887-b990-... HTTP 401
drsc DRSC05221 HTTP 200
drugbank DB14938 HTTP 200
drugbank.bioentity BE0000048 HTTP 200
drugbank.category DBCAT000600 HTTP 200
drugbank.condition DBCOND0066902 HTTP 200
drugbank.metabolite DBMET02292 HTTP 200
drugbank.reaction 1537 HTTP 200
drugbank.salt DBSALT001211 HTTP 200
drugcentral 307 HTTP 200
dsmz ACC-1 HTTP 200
dso classification-model HTTP 200
dto 90000018 HTTP 404
duo 0000046 HTTP 200
eaglei 0000012b-5661-2f63-2f73-b43... ConnectTimeout
easychair.cfp SysBioCancer2022 HTTP 200
easychair.topic 27106865 HTTP 200
ebisc ESi007-A HTTP 200
ecacc 90062901 HTTP 404
ecao 0107180 HTTP 200
eccode ReadTimeout
ecg 000000159 ConnectionError
echinobase 23159291 HTTP 500
echobase EB0170 HTTP 200
ecmdb ECMDB00005 HTTP 200
eco 0007807 HTTP 200
ecocore 00000001 HTTP 200
ecogene EG10173 ConnectTimeout
ecoliwiki aaeA HTTP 404
ecso 00000532 HTTP 200
ecto 0000001 HTTP 200
ecyano.entity 23 HTTP 200
ecyano.experiment 18 HTTP 200
ecyano.model 26 HTTP 200
ecyano.rule 56 HTTP 200
edam data_1664 HTTP 200
edam.data 1664 HTTP 200
edam.format 1915 HTTP 200
edam.operation 0004 HTTP 200
edam.topic 0003 HTTP 200
edda health_care_quality_assessment ConnectionError
efo 0005147 HTTP 200
ega.dataset EGAD00000000001 HTTP 200
ega.study EGAS00000000001 HTTP 200
eggnog veNOG12876 HTTP 502
elm CLV_MEL_PAP_1 HTTP 200
emapa 26753 HTTP 200
emaps 3517823 HTTP 200
emdb EMD-1001 HTTP 200
emmo 03212fd7_abfd_4828_9c8e_62c... HTTP 200
emmo.cif _space_group_symop.operatio... HTTP 404
emolecules 491187 HTTP 200
empiar 10595 HTTP 200
emsl.project 60141 HTTP 200
ena.embl BN000065 HTTP 200
encode ENCSR163RYW HTTP 200
enm 8000221 HTTP 404
ensembl ENSG00000139618 HTTP 200
ensembl.bacteria MU9_3181 ReadTimeout
ensembl.fungi CADAFLAT00006211 ReadTimeout
ensembl.metazoa FBtr0084214 ReadTimeout
ensembl.plant AT1G73965 HTTP 200
ensembl.protist PF3D7_1328700 ReadTimeout
ensemblglossary 0000198 HTTP 200
envipath 32de3cf4-e3e6-4168-956e-32f... HTTP 200
envo 09200010 HTTP 200
enzo ALX-210-175 HTTP 404
eol 0001927 ConnectTimeout
eolife 1044544 HTTP 200
epd TA_H3 HTTP 200
epio 0000011 HTTP 404
epso 0000400 HTTP 404
erm ERM00000044 HTTP 200
eropmoscow E00002 HTTP 200
erv THE1B HTTP 200
esldb HS000015122 HTTP 404
eu89h jrc-eurl-ecvam-chemagora HTTP 200
euclinicaltrials 2008-005144-16 HTTP 200
eugenes MGgn0008978 HTTP 200
exac.gene ENSG00000169174 HTTP 200
exac.transcript ENST00000407236 HTTP 200
exac.variant 22-46615880-T-C HTTP 200
exo 0000078 HTTP 404
fabio d4e2515 HTTP 200
facebase FB00000917 HTTP 200
fairsharing bsg-000052 HTTP 200
fairsharing.organization 3851 HTTP 200
fairsharing.user 5112 HTTP 200
faldo ForwardStrandPosition HTTP 200
fao 0000001 HTTP 200
fao.asfis 20560 HTTP 200
fbbt 00007294 HTTP 200
fbcv 0000586 HTTP 404
fbdv 00000000 HTTP 200
fbrf 0187632 HTTP 403
fbtc 0000190 HTTP 403
fcb FCB005 HTTP 200
fcsfree 240-17-488-3-4-12 HTTP 200
fda.application 070886 HTTP 200
ferroliganddb 486 HTTP 200
fhir.implementation immds HTTP 200
fideo 00000021 HTTP 404
fishbase.species 6472 HTTP 403
flopo 0005250 HTTP 200
flowrepository FR-FCM-ZYGW SSLError
flybase FBgn0011293 HTTP 403
flybrain.ndb 10531 HTTP 200
flymine.chromosome 1047874 ConnectionError
foaf familyName HTTP 200
fobi 030719 HTTP 200
foodb.compound FDB002100 HTTP 200
foodb.food FOOD00020 HTTP 200
foodex2 A0TMC HTTP 200
foodon 03307879 HTTP 200
fossilworks.journal 61467 ReadTimeout
fossilworks.taxon 40565 ReadTimeout
fovt 0000009 HTTP 200
fplx GPIb_IX_V HTTP 200
frapo Grant ConnectTimeout
frbr Expression ConnectTimeout
frbrer 1001 HTTP 415
fsnp rs17852708 ConnectTimeout
ftt 273 HTTP 405
funcbase.fly 10194 ConnectionError
funcbase.human 119514 ConnectionError
funcbase.mouse 1351341 ConnectionError
funcbase.yeast 2701 ConnectionError
funderregistry 100000001 HTTP 200
fungidb CNBG_0001 HTTP 200
fungorum 154022 HTTP 200
fypo 0001707 HTTP 200
ga4ghdos dg.4503/01b048d0-e128-4cb0-... HTTP 200
gabi 2679240 HTTP 404
gainesville.core Aromatic ConnectTimeout
gallont 0000001 HTTP 200
gard 6038 HTTP 404
gateway fd8d0743-344a-4758-bb97-f8a... HTTP 200
gbif 4238 HTTP 200
gc 11 HTTP 200
gcst GCST000035 HTTP 200
gdc ae8c77fe-e6c8-44d5-8265-4a3... HTTP 200
gdsc 1242 HTTP 200
gear d.a59037e8 HTTP 200
gecko 0000044 HTTP 200
gemet 627 HTTP 200
genatlas HBB HTTP 200
genbank U49845 HTTP 200
genbase C_AA001108.1 HTTP 200
genecards ABL1 HTTP 403
genecards.geneloc 17503 HTTP 200
genecards.genenote GC06M052656 ConnectTimeout
genefarm 4892 HTTP 503
genepio 0001885 HTTP 200
genetree ENSGT00550000074763 HTTP 200
genewiki 1017 HTTP 200
geno 0000632 HTTP 200
genpept CAA71118.1 HTTP 200
genprop GenProp0699 HTTP 200
geo GDS1234 HTTP 200
geogeo 000000021 HTTP 404
geonames 3532759 HTTP 200
geonames.feature ADM1 HTTP 200
gfo projects_to HTTP 200
ghr saddan HTTP 200
giardiadb GL50803_102438 HTTP 200
github biopragmatics/bioregistry HTTP 200
github.issue biopragmatics/bioregistry/424 HTTP 200
github.pull biopragmatics/bioregistry/416 HTTP 200
gitlab morpheus.lab/morpheus HTTP 200
glida.gpcr ACM1_HUMAN HTTP 404
glida.ligand L000001 HTTP 404
glycoepitope EP0311 HTTP 200
glycomapsdb 6819 ConnectTimeout
glycomedb G77500AY HTTP 405
glyconavi GN_G03681DA HTTP 200
glycopost GPST000024 HTTP 200
glycosciencesdb 1 ConnectTimeout
glytoucan G00054MO HTTP 405
gmd 68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd... ReadTimeout
gmd.analyte 4f0fa9b6-514f-4ff4-98cc-000... HTTP 500
gmd.gcms 53d583d8-40c6-40e1-9296-23f... HTTP 200
gmd.profile 10b38aaf-b977-4950-85b8-f47... HTTP 200
gmd.ref 8cf84adb-b4db-4807-ac98-000... HTTP 200
gnd 117145750 HTTP 200
gno 10004892 HTTP 200
gnomad 1-55516888-G-GA HTTP 200
gnpis AY109603 HTTP 200
gnps.task 4b848c342a4f4abc871bdf8a09a... HTTP 200
go 0032571 HTTP 200
go.gpi db-object-id HTTP 200
go.model 5fce9b7300001250 HTTP 200
go.ref 0000041 HTTP 404
go.resource CHEBI HTTP 200
go.rule 0000004 HTTP 200
goa P12345 HTTP 200
goche 25512 HTTP 200
gold Gs0000008 HTTP 200
gold.genome Gi07796 HTTP 200
gold.meta Gm00047 HTTP 200
goldbook G02681 HTTP 403
google.book qafeQTWIWmcC HTTP 200
google.patent US4145692 HTTP 200
google.scholar PjrpzUIAAAAJ HTTP 429
gorel 0002005 ConnectTimeout
gpcrdb RL3R1_HUMAN HTTP 200
gpcrnava 1150 ConnectTimeout
gpmdb GPM32310002988 HTTP 403
graingenes.reference WGS-95-1333 SSLError
graingenes.symbol 1-FEH+w3 SSLError
gramene.gene GR:0080039 HTTP 200
gramene.protein 78073 HTTP 200
gramene.qtl CQG5 HTTP 200
gramene.reference 6200 HTTP 200
gramene.taxonomy 013681 HTTP 200
grassbase imp10873 HTTP 200
greengenes 100000 HTTP 404
grid grid.225360.0 HTTP 200
grin 159787 HTTP 403
grin.taxonomy 19333 HTTP 403
grsdb 10142 HTTP 500
gsfa 174 HTTP 200
gsso 002368 HTTP 200
gtex BRIP1 HTTP 200
gtr AN0097748 HTTP 200
gudmap Q-2958 HTTP 200
gwascentral.marker HGVM15354 ConnectTimeout
gwascentral.phenotype HGVPM623 ConnectTimeout
gwascentral.study HGVST1828 ConnectTimeout
gxa.expt E-MTAB-2037 HTTP 200
gxa.gene AT4G01080 HTTP 200
hagr.genage 0001 HTTP 200
hagr.gendr 2 HTTP 200
hamap MF_01400 HTTP 200
hancestro 0290 HTTP 200
hao 0000187 HTTP 200
hathitrust 008893080 HTTP 200
hba 4005 HTTP 200
hbvar 2526 HTTP 200
hc.npn 18125 HTTP 404
hc.trial 239287 HTTP 200
hco MT HTTP 200
hcpcs G8944 HTTP 200
hcvdb M58335 ConnectionError
hdl 2381/12775 HTTP 410
hdr 63 HTTP 404
hepro 0000001 ConnectTimeout
hgmd CALM1 HTTP 200
hgnc 16793 HTTP 200
hgnc.genefamily 2029 HTTP 404
hgnc.genegroup 141 HTTP 200
hgnc.symbol DAPK1 HTTP 200
hgvs NP_003997.1:p.Trp24Cys HTTP 405
hinv.locus HIX0004394 ConnectTimeout
hinv.protein HIP000030660 ConnectTimeout
hinv.transcript HIT000195363 ConnectTimeout
hipsci HPSI0114i-bezi_1 HTTP 404
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