


There are 4 usages of American_Heritage in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Medical_Dictionary_2007 40 XCO:0000046, XCO:0000052, XCO:0000055, XCO:0000139, XCO:0000167, …
American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Dictionary_of_the_English_Language–4th_Ed 22 XCO:0000043, XCO:0000135, XCO:0000159, XCO:0000163, XCO:0000233, …
American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Science_Dictionary_2005 13 XCO:0000023, XCO:0000088, XCO:0000089, XCO:0000103, XCO:0000104, …
American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Dictionary_of_the_English_Language–5th_Ed 3 XCO:0000502, XCO:0000503, XCO:0000526


There are 1 usages of Cambridge in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Cambridge:Cambridge_Online_Dictionary_of_American_English 1 XCO:0000318


There are 1 usages of Collins in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Collins:Collins_Online_English_Dictionary 18 XCO:0000027, XCO:0000053, XCO:0000054, XCO:0000088, XCO:0000089, …


There are 1 usages of Dorland in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary–31st_Ed 151 XCO:0000001, XCO:0000002, XCO:0000009, XCO:0000011, XCO:0000013, …


There are 1 usages of Encarta in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Encarta:Encarta_World_English_Dictionary 15 XCO:0000003, XCO:0000004, XCO:0000005, XCO:0000006, XCO:0000007, …


There are 2 usages of Farlex in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Farlex:Farlex_Partner_Medical_Dictionary_2012 9 XCO:0000376, XCO:0000401, XCO:0000412, XCO:0000420, XCO:0000464, …
Farlex:Farlex_Partner_Medical_Dictionary_2009 1 XCO:0000527


There are 1 usages of Fink in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Fink:Encyclopedia_of_Stress 1 XCO:0000189


There are 2 usages of Gale in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Gale:Gale_Encyclopedia_of_Medicine 6 XCO:0000140, XCO:0000243, XCO:0000248, XCO:0000249, XCO:0000250, …
Gale:Gale_Encyclopedia_of_Medicine_2008 1 XCO:0000361


There are 1 usages of McGraw-Hill in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
McGraw-Hill:McGraw-Hill_Concise_Dictionary_of_Modern_Medicine 1 XCO:0000389


There are 1 usages of Merriam-Webster in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Websters_Online_Dictionary–11th_Ed 12 XCO:0000057, XCO:0000100, XCO:0000239, XCO:0000320, XCO:0000321, …


There are 1 usages of Miller-Keane in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Miller-Keane:Miller-Keane_Encyclopedia_and_Dictionary_of_Medicine_Nursing_and_Allied_Health–7th_Ed 19 XCO:0000133, XCO:0000181, XCO:0000182, XCO:0000183, XCO:0000194, …


There are 1 usages of Mondofacto in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Mondofacto:Mondofacto_Online_Medical_Dictionary 3 XCO:0000178, XCO:0000186, XCO:0000393


There are 2 usages of Mosby in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Mosby:Mosbys_Medical_Dictionary–8th_Ed 69 XCO:0000021, XCO:0000042, XCO:0000047, XCO:0000048, XCO:0000049, …
Mosby:Mosbys_Dental_Dictionary–2nd_Ed 2 XCO:0000341, XCO:0000373


There are 1 usages of NCBI in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
NCBI:txid419947 1 XCO:0001037


There are 1 usages of PGA in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
PGA:Renal_protocol 1 XCO:0000129


There are 1 usages of Saunders in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Saunders:Saunders_Comprehensive_Veterinary_Dictionary–3rd_Ed 12 XCO:0000175, XCO:0000237, XCO:0000255, XCO:0000402, XCO:0000415, …


There are 1 usages of Segen in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Segen:Segens_Medical_Dictionary_2012 4 XCO:0000386, XCO:0000387, XCO:0000400, XCO:0000529


There are 1 usages of Stedman in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Stedman:Stedmans_Medical_Dictionary_26th_ed 1 XCO:0000607


There are 1 usages of Webster in xco. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Webster:Random_House_Kernerman_Websters_College_Dictionary_2010 6 XCO:0000326, XCO:0000358, XCO:0000528, XCO:0000530, XCO:0000531, …