


There are 1 usages of Answers.com in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Answers.com:Answers.com 1 PATO:0000969


There are 1 usages of ENVOC in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
ENVOC:nm 1 ENVO:00000338


There are 1 usages of GEMINA in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
GEMINA:ls 1 ENVO:00000338


There are 1 usages of GOC in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
GOC:tb 1 GO:0003824


There are 1 usages of Gemina in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Gemina:ls 1 ENVO:02000035


There are 1 usages of Invitrogen in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Invitrogen:http://products.invitrogen.com/ 1 BTO:0004602


There are 1 usages of Merriam-Webster in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Merriam-Webster:Merriam-Webster 1 PATO:0000261


There are 1 usages of NPX in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
NPX:PDR 1 CL:1001603


There are 3 usages of Orange in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Orange:17.2.4 3 CHMO:0000344, CHMO:0000346, CHMO:0000353
Orange:17.2.7 1 CHMO:0000098
Orange: 1 CHMO:0000407


There are 3 usages of OrangeBook in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
OrangeBook: 1 CHMO:0000343
OrangeBook:17.2.4 1 CHMO:0000351
OrangeBook:9.4.1 1 CHMO:0001577


There are 6 usages of PATOC in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
PATOC:GVG 49 PATO:0000049, PATO:0000119, PATO:0000122, PATO:0000125, PATO:0000146, …
PATOC:MAH 2 PATO:0000584, PATO:0000585
PATOC:WD 2 PATO:0005015, PATO:0005022
PATOC:melissa 1 PATO:0000161
PATOC:CJM 1 PATO:0001555
PATOC:UMH 1 PATO:0001940


There are 15 usages of URL in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
URL:http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/328083/lake/59070/Sediments-and-sedimentation 1 ENVO:00000546
URL:http://www.stjude.org/stjude/hospital/med_terms.jsp 1 ENVO:00002047
URL:http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/articles/niches.html 1 ENVO:00010483
URL:http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/surface 1 ENVO:00010504
URL:http://stemcells.nih.gov/StemCells/Templates/StemCellContentPage.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRNODEGUID=%7b3C35BAB6-0FE6-4C4E-95F2-2CB61B58D96D%7d&NRORIGINALURL=%2finfo%2fglossary%2easp&NRCACHEHINT=NoModifyGuest#cellculture 1 ENVO:02000008
URL:http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/bodily+fluid 1 ENVO:02000019
URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amniotic_fluid 1 ENVO:02000021
URL:http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/excreta 1 ENVO:02000022
URL:http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=chyle 1 ENVO:02000030
URL:http://www.fcs.uga.edu/ext/bbb/info/glossary.htm 1 ENVO:02000031
URL:http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tear 1 ENVO:02000034
URL:http://medical.merriam-webster.com/medical/saliva 1 ENVO:02000036
URL:http://medical.merriam-webster.com/medical/lymph 1 ENVO:02000041
URL:http://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/infectioncontrol/glossary.htm 1 ENVO:02000048
URL:http://www.answers.com/topic/topsoil?cat=technology 1 ENVO:02000059


There are 2 usages of Wiikipedia in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Wiikipedia:Wasting 1 PATO:0001623
Wiikipedia:Wiikipedia 1 PATO:0001780


There are 1 usages of WordNet in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
WordNet:WordNet 8 PATO:0000011, PATO:0000117, PATO:0000915, PATO:0001019, PATO:0001571, …


There are 1 usages of curators in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
curators:mg 1 BTO:0002922


There are 1 usages of edp in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
edp:edp 3 PATO:0001536, PATO:0001537, PATO:0001538


There are 1 usages of studyphysics in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
studyphysics:studyphysics 2 PATO:0001524, PATO:0001526


There are 1 usages of url in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
url:http://www.studyphysics.ca/ 1 PATO:0001525


There are 1 usages of ADL in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
ADL:FTT 1 ENVO:00000003


There are 1 usages of Getty in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
Getty:TGN 1 ENVO:00000194


There are 1 usages of NASA in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
NASA:earthrealm 2 ENVO:00000428, ENVO:00000546


There are 1 usages of USGS in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
USGS:SDTS 1 ENVO:00000194


There are 2 usages of PERSON in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
PERSON: James Malone 1 EFO:0000714
PERSON: Dani Welter 1 EFO:0004358


There are 11 usages of SPIRE in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
SPIRE:Tundra 2 ENVO:01000180, ENVO:01001505
SPIRE:Terrestrial 1 ENVO:00000446
SPIRE:Marine 1 ENVO:00000447
SPIRE:Freshwater 1 ENVO:00000873
SPIRE:Soil 1 ENVO:00001998
SPIRE:Dung 1 ENVO:00002003
SPIRE:Brackish_water 1 ENVO:00002019
SPIRE:Estuarine 1 ENVO:01000020
SPIRE:Benthic 1 ENVO:01000024
SPIRE:Savannah_or_grassland 1 ENVO:01000178
SPIRE:Urban 1 ENVO:01000249


There are 1 usages of WikipediaCategory in enm. If you are knowledgeable about this prefix, please consider submitting a new prefix request to the Bioregistry here.

curie usages nodes
WikipediaCategory:Glands 1 UBERON:0002530