

This document details the invalid local unique identifiers used in CURIEs for node, synonym, and definition cross-references in eco. See the GitHub repository.

DisProt: DisProt

Overall, there were 7 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with DisProt (standardized to Bioregistry prefix disprot) that did not match the standard pattern ^DP\d{5}$.

external_xref usages_count usages
DisProt:BalintMeszaros 7 ECO:0006183, ECO:0006185, ECO:0006187, ECO:0006188, ECO:0006189, …

ECO: Evidence ontology

Overall, there were 1,483 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with ECO (standardized to Bioregistry prefix eco) that did not match the standard pattern ^\d{7}$.

external_xref usages_count usages
ECO:RCT 718 ECO:0000009, ECO:0000011, ECO:0000033, ECO:0000053, ECO:0000054, …
ECO:SN 394 ECO:0000001, ECO:0000002, ECO:0000018, ECO:0000021, ECO:0000028, …
ECO:MCC 297 ECO:0000000, ECO:0000007, ECO:0000008, ECO:0000019, ECO:0000020, …
ECO:SW 58 ECO:0000085, ECO:0000095, ECO:0000096, ECO:0000106, ECO:0000109, …
ECO:MG 8 ECO:0006186, ECO:0006252, ECO:0006341, ECO:0006345, ECO:0006346, …
ECO:KAV 3 ECO:0000003, ECO:0000154, ECO:0000164
ECO:KIM 2 ECO:0000004, ECO:0000096
ECO:RCJ 2 ECO:0001828, ECO:0007850
ECO:cjm 1 ECO:0000501

ENA: European Nucleotide Archive

Overall, there were 1 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with ENA (standardized to Bioregistry prefix ena.embl) that did not match the standard pattern ^[A-Z]+[0-9]+(\.\d+)?$.

external_xref usages_count usages
ENA:Peter 1 ECO:0008014

ERO: eagle-i resource ontology

Overall, there were 1 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with ERO (standardized to Bioregistry prefix ero) that did not match the standard pattern ^\d{7}$.

external_xref usages_count usages
ERO:0000329|URL:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3907272/ 1 ECO:0007043

GO: Gene Ontology

Overall, there were 7 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with GO (standardized to Bioregistry prefix go) that did not match the standard pattern ^\d{7}$.

external_xref usages_count usages
GO:IEP 3 ECO:0000008, ECO:0007006, ECO:0007007
GO:IMP 3 ECO:0000015, ECO:0007000, ECO:0007001
GO:TAS 1 ECO:0000033

HPO: Human Phenotype Ontology

Overall, there were 2 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with HPO (standardized to Bioregistry prefix hp) that did not match the standard pattern ^\d{7}$.

external_xref usages_count usages
HPO:PCS 1 ECO:0006017
HPO:ICE 1 ECO:0006019

PomBase: PomBase

Overall, there were 1 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with PomBase (standardized to Bioregistry prefix pombase) that did not match the standard pattern ^S\w+(\.)?\w+(\.)?$.

external_xref usages_count usages
PomBase:MAH 1 ECO:0000095

UniProt: UniProt Protein

Overall, there were 1 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with UniProt (standardized to Bioregistry prefix uniprot) that did not match the standard pattern ^([A-N,R-Z][0-9]([A-Z][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9]){1,2})|([O,P,Q][0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])(\.\d+)?$.

external_xref usages_count usages
UniProt:Vishal Joshi 1 ECO:0008002