

This document details the invalid local unique identifiers used in CURIEs for node, synonym, and definition cross-references in aeon. See the GitHub repository.

Geonames: GeoNames

Overall, there were 8 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with Geonames (standardized to Bioregistry prefix geonames) that did not match the standard pattern ^\d+$.

external_xref usages_count usages
Geonames:feature 3 ENVO:00000005, ENVO:00000062, ENVO:00000123
Geonames:http://www.geonames.org/export/codes.html 1 ENVO:00000005
Geonames:A.ADM1 1 ENVO:00000005
Geonames:P.PPL 1 ENVO:00000062
Geonames:P.PPLS 1 ENVO:00000062
Geonames:A.PCL 1 ENVO:00000123

MA: Mouse adult gross anatomy

Overall, there were 1 invalid xrefs to external prefixed with MA (standardized to Bioregistry prefix ma) that did not match the standard pattern ^\d+$.

external_xref usages_count usages
MA:ma 1 ENVO:00000123