
uniprot: UniProt Protein

This page summarize the different resources that reference uniprot but use local unique identifiers that do not match the standard pattern of ^([A-N,R-Z][0-9]([A-Z][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9]){1,2})|([O,P,Q][0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])(\.\d+)?$. Of the 6 resources, 3 variants on the standard prefix were found: [‘UniProt’, ‘UniProtKB’, ‘uniprot’].

bs: Biosapiens Protein Feature Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in bs. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
uniprot:feature_type 28 SO:0000417, SO:0000418, SO:0000419, SO:0000691, SO:0000725, …
UniProt:curation_manual 19 SO:0001064, SO:0001066, SO:0001067, SO:0001080, SO:0001083, …
UniProt:curator_manual 1 SO:0001077
UniProt:Curation_manual 1 SO:0001093
uniprot:curation 1 SO:0001091
uniprot:feature 1 SO:0100020

covoc: CoVoc Coronavirus Vocabulary

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in covoc. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
UniProtKB:P0DTC1-1 1 PR:P0DTC1-1
UniProtKB:P0DTD1-1 1 PR:P0DTD1-1

eco: Evidence ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in eco. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
UniProt:Vishal Joshi 1 ECO:0008002

so: Sequence types and features ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in so. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
uniprot:feature_type 28 SO:0000417, SO:0000418, SO:0000419, SO:0000691, SO:0000725, …
UniProt:curation_manual 19 SO:0001064, SO:0001066, SO:0001067, SO:0001080, SO:0001083, …
uniprot:feature 2 SO:0001655, SO:0100020
UniProt:curator_manual 1 SO:0001077
UniProt:Curation_manual 1 SO:0001093
uniprot:curation 1 SO:0001091

vario: Variation Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in vario.

external_xref usages_count usages
UniProt:curation_manual 1 VariO:0281

xco: Experimental condition ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in xco. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
UniProt:419947 1 XCO:0001037