
obi: Ontology for Biomedical Investigations

This page summarize the different resources that reference obi but use local unique identifiers that do not match the standard pattern of ^\d{7}$. Of the 6 resources, 2 variants on the standard prefix were found: [‘OBI’, ‘obi’].

efo: Experimental Factor Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in efo. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
OBI:OBI_1110054 1 EFO:0005140

geno: Genotype Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in geno. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
OBI:genetic population background information 1 GENO:0000010

pato: Phenotype And Trait Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in pato. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
OBI:OBI 1 PATO:0001985

pride: PRIDE Controlled Vocabulary

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in pride. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
obi:bp 6 OBI:0000094, OBI:0000417, OBI:0000443, OBI:0000796, OBI:0000838, …
obi:prs 6 OBI:0000094, OBI:0000443, OBI:0302886, OBI:0302888, OBI:0302893, …
obi:pppb 2 OBI:0000070, OBI:0000185
obi:mc 2 OBI:0000094, OBI:0200051
obi:ar 2 OBI:0000417, OBI:0000443
obi:hp 2 OBI:0000443, OBI:0001032
obi:es 2 OBI:0001061, OBI:0001138
obi:jq 2 OBI:0400064, OBI:0400065
obi:fg 1 OBI:0000094
obi:jf 1 OBI:0000094
obi:ppb 1 OBI:0000443
obi:IEDB 1 OBI:0000661
obi:obi 1 OBI:0000968
obi:EAGLE-I 1 OBI:0001042
obi:em 1 OBI:0200051
obi:jm 1 OBI:0200051

uberon: Uber Anatomy Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in uberon. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
OBI:MC 1 UBERON:0012125

vsmo: Ontology for vector surveillance and management

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in vsmo.

external_xref usages_count usages
OBI:authors 2 OBI:0000415, OBI:0000659