
mp: Mammalian Phenotype Ontology

This page summarize the different resources that reference mp but use local unique identifiers that do not match the standard pattern of ^\d{7}$. Of the 5 resources, 1 variants on the standard prefix were found: [‘MP’].

ccf: Human Reference Atlas Common Coordinate Framework Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in ccf. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
MP:MP 9 UBERON:0001259, UBERON:0001947, UBERON:0005452, UBERON:0010396, UBERON:0010397, …

cl: Cell Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in cl. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
MP:19876834 1 CL:0002488

dermo: Human Dermatological Disease Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in dermo.

external_xref usages_count usages
MP:00000 1 DERMO:0000333

uberon: Uber Anatomy Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in uberon. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
MP:anna 19 UBERON:0001258, UBERON:0001338, UBERON:0002068, UBERON:0002366, UBERON:0002366, …
MP:MP 17 UBERON:0000173, UBERON:0001259, UBERON:0001947, UBERON:0005452, UBERON:0008835, …
MP:000999 1 UBERON:0035922

vt: Vertebrate trait ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in vt. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
MP:001324 1 VT:0001324
MP:00004293 1 VT:0004293
MP:MammalianPhenotype 1 VT:0010442
MP:00003257 1 VT:0010453