
goa: Gene Ontology Annotation Database

This page summarize the different resources that reference goa but use local unique identifiers that do not match the standard pattern of ^(([A-N,R-Z][0-9][A-Z][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])|([O,P,Q][0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9]))|(URS[0-9A-F]{10}(_[0-9]+){0,1})|(EBI-[0-9]+)$. Of the 1 resources, 1 variants on the standard prefix were found: [‘GOA’].

go: Gene Ontology

Identifiers for this prefix are given incorrectly in go. See the GitHub repository.

external_xref usages_count usages
GOA:als 1 GO:1903985