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📄 Example in bare HTML files

When using the library directly in the client browser you will need to initialize the wasm binary with await init(), after that you can use the same functions as in the NodeJS environments.

You can easily import the NPM package from a CDN, and work with curies directly in a simple index.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>CURIEs example</title>

    <p id="compressed"></p>
    <p id="expanded"></p>

    <script type="module">
      import init, { Record, Converter, getOboConverter } from "";

      async function main() {
        await init();
        const converter = await getOboConverter();

        const curie = converter.compress("");
        const uri = converter.expand("DOID:1234");
        document.getElementById("compressed").innerText = curie;
        document.getElementById("expanded").innerText = uri;

Then just start the web server from the directory where the index.html file is with:

npx http-server
# Or:
python -m http.server