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πŸš€ Getting started

You can easily work with curies from various languages.

πŸ“₯️ Installation

Install the package for you language:

pip install curies-rs
npm install --save @biopragmatics/curies
# or
pnpm add @biopragmatics/curies
# or
yarn add @biopragmatics/curies
# or
bun add @biopragmatics/curies
cargo add curies

πŸš€ Usage

Initialize a converter, then use it to compress URIs to CURIEs, or expand CURIEs to URIs:

from curies_rs import get_bioregistry_converter

# Initialize converter (here we use the predefined Bioregistry converter)
converter = get_bioregistry_converter()

# Compress a URI, or expand a CURIE
curie = converter.compress("")
uri = converter.expand("DOID:1234")

# Compress/expand a list of URIs or CURIEs
curies = converter.compress_list([""])
uris = converter.expand_list(["DOID:1234", "doid:1235"])

# Standardize prefix, CURIEs, and URIs using the preferred alternative
assert converter.standardize_prefix("gomf") == "go"
assert converter.standardize_curie("gomf:0032571") == "go:0032571aaaaaaa"
assert converter.standardize_uri("") == ""
import {getBioregistryConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    // Initialize converter (here we use the predefined Bioregistry converter)
    const converter = await getBioregistryConverter();

    // Compress a URI, or expand a CURIE
    const curie = converter.compress("");
    const uri = converter.expand("doid:1234");

    // Compress/expand a list of URIs or CURIEs
    const curies = converter.compressList([""]);
    const uris = converter.expandList(["doid:1234"]);

    // Standardize prefix, CURIEs, and URIs using the preferred alternative

Running in the browser requires initialization

When writing code that will be executed in the browser you need to first initialize the Wasm binary:

import init, { Record, Converter, getOboConverter } from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    await init();
    const converter = await getOboConverter();
    const uri = converter.expand("DOID:1234");

This is not required when running JavaScript code on server-side, e.g. using NodeJS.

CORS exists

When executing JS in the browser we are bound to the same rules as everyone on the web, such as CORS. If CORS are not enabled on the server you are fetching the converter from, then you will need to use a proxy such as

Use HTTPS when importing

When loading converters from URLs in JS always prefer using HTTPS URLs, otherwise you will face Mixed Content errors.

use curies::sources::get_bioregistry_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Initialize converter (here we use the predefined Bioregistry converter)
    let converter = get_bioregistry_converter().await?;

    // Compress a URI, or expand a CURIE
    let uri = converter.expand("doid:1234")?;
    let curie = converter.compress("")?;

    // Compress/expand a list of URIs or CURIEs
    let uris = converter.expand_list(vec!["doid:1234"], true);
    let curies = converter.compress_list(vec![""], true);

    // Standardize prefix, CURIEs, and URIs using the preferred alternative
    assert_eq!(converter.standardize_prefix("gomf").unwrap(), "go");
    assert_eq!(converter.standardize_curie("gomf:0032571").unwrap(), "go:0032571");

πŸŒ€ Loading a Context

There are several ways to load a context with this package, including:

  1. pre-defined contexts
  2. contexts encoded in the standard prefix map format
  3. contexts encoded in the standard JSON-LD context format
  4. contexts encoded in the extended prefix map format

πŸ“¦ Loading a predefined context

Easiest way to get started is to simply use one of the function available to import a converter from popular namespaces registries:

Bioregistry converter

from curies_rs import get_bioregistry_converter

converter = get_bioregistry_converter()
import {getBioregistryConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getBioregistryConverter();
use curies::sources::get_bioregistry_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_bioregistry_converter().await?;

OBO converter

from curies_rs import get_obo_converter

converter = get_obo_converter()
import {getOboConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getOboConverter();
use curies::sources::get_obo_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_obo_converter().await?;

GO converter

from curies_rs import get_go_converter

converter = get_go_converter()
import {getGoConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getGoConverter();
use curies::sources::get_go_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_go_converter().await?;

Monarch Initiative converter

from curies_rs import get_monarch_converter

converter = get_monarch_converter()
import {getMonarchConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getMonarchConverter();
use curies::sources::get_monarch_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_monarch_converter().await?;

πŸ—ΊοΈ Loading Extended Prefix Maps

Enable to provide prefix/URI synonyms and ID RegEx pattern for each record:

from curies_rs import Converter

extended_pm = """[
        "prefix": "DOID",
        "prefix_synonyms": [
        "uri_prefix": "",
        "uri_prefix_synonyms": [
        "pattern": "^\\\\d+$"
        "prefix": "OBO",
        "prefix_synonyms": [
        "uri_prefix": ""
converter = Converter.from_extended_prefix_map(extended_pm)
import {Converter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await Converter.fromExtendedPrefixMap(`[
            "prefix": "DOID",
            "prefix_synonyms": [
            "uri_prefix": "",
            "uri_prefix_synonyms": [
            "pattern": "^\\\\d+$"
            "prefix": "OBO",
            "prefix_synonyms": [
            "uri_prefix": ""
use curies::Converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = Converter::from_extended_prefix_map(r#"[
            "prefix": "DOID",
            "prefix_synonyms": [
            "uri_prefix": "",
            "uri_prefix_synonyms": [
            "pattern": "^\\\\d+$"
            "prefix": "OBO",
            "prefix_synonyms": [
            "uri_prefix": ""

Support URL

For all Converter.from functions you can either provide the file content, or the URL to the file as string.

πŸ“ Loading Prefix Maps

A simple dictionary without synonyms information:

from curies_rs import Converter

prefix_map = """{
    "GO": "",
    "DOID": "",
    "OBO": ""
converter = Converter.from_prefix_map(prefix_map)
import {Converter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await Converter.fromPrefixMap(`{
        "GO": "",
        "DOID": "",
        "OBO": ""
use curies::Converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = Converter::from_prefix_map(r#"{
        "GO": "",
        "DOID": "",
        "OBO": ""

πŸ“„ Loading JSON-LD contexts

from curies_rs import Converter

jsonld = """{
    "@context": {
        "GO": "",
        "DOID": "",
        "OBO": ""
converter = Converter.from_jsonld(jsonld)

Or directly use a URL:

from curies_rs import Converter

converter = Converter.from_jsonld("")
import {Converter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await Converter.fromJsonld(`{
        "@context": {
            "GO": "",
            "DOID": "",
            "OBO": ""
use curies::Converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = Converter::from_jsonld(r#"{
        "@context": {
            "GO": "",
            "DOID": "",
            "OBO": ""

πŸ”— Loading SHACL prefixes definitions

from curies_rs import Converter

shacl = """@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
    [ sh:prefix "dc" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
    [ sh:prefix "dcterms" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
    [ sh:prefix "foaf" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
    [ sh:prefix "xsd" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ]
] ."""
conv = Converter.from_shacl(shacl)
import {Converter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await Converter.fromShacl(`@prefix sh: <> .
    @prefix xsd: <> .
        [ sh:prefix "dc" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
        [ sh:prefix "dcterms" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
        [ sh:prefix "foaf" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
        [ sh:prefix "xsd" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ]
    ] .`)
use curies::Converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = Converter::from_shacl(r#"@prefix sh: <> .
    @prefix xsd: <> .
        [ sh:prefix "dc" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
        [ sh:prefix "dcterms" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
        [ sh:prefix "foaf" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ],
        [ sh:prefix "xsd" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI  ]
    ] ."#).await?;

πŸ”Ž Introspecting on a Context

After loading a context, it’s possible to get certain information out of the converter. For example, if you want to get all of the CURIE prefixes from the converter, you can use converter.get_prefixes():

from curies_rs import get_bioregistry_converter

converter = get_bioregistry_converter()

prefixes = converter.get_prefixes()
assert 'chebi' in prefixes
assert 'CHEBIID' not in prefixes, "No synonyms are included by default"

prefixes = converter.get_prefixes(include_synonyms=True)
assert 'chebi' in prefixes
assert 'CHEBIID' in prefixes
import {getBioregistryConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getBioregistryConverter();

    const prefixes = converter.getPrefixes();
    // Synonyms are not included by default
    const prefixes_incl_syn = converter.getPrefixes(true);
use curies::sources::get_bioregistry_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_bioregistry_converter().await?;

    // Argument to include or not synonyms
    let prefixes = converter.get_prefixes(false)
    let prefixes_incl_syn = converter.get_prefixes(true)

Similarly, the URI prefixes can be extracted with Converter.get_uri_prefixes() like in:

from curies_rs import get_bioregistry_converter

converter = get_bioregistry_converter()

uri_prefixes = converter.get_uri_prefixes()
assert '' in uri_prefixes
assert '' not in uri_prefixes, "No synonyms are included by default"

uri_prefixes = converter.get_uri_prefixes(include_synonyms=True)
assert '' in uri_prefixes
assert '' in uri_prefixes
import {getBioregistryConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getBioregistryConverter();

    const prefixes = converter.getUriPrefixes();
    // Synonyms are not included by default
    const prefixes_incl_syn = converter.getUriPrefixes(true);
use curies::sources::get_bioregistry_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_bioregistry_converter().await?;

    // Argument to include or not synonyms
    let prefixes = converter.get_uri_prefixes(false)
    let prefixes_incl_syn = converter.get_uri_prefixes(true)

It’s also possible to get a bijective prefix map, i.e., a dictionary from primary CURIE prefixes to primary URI prefixes. This is useful for compatibility with legacy systems which assume simple prefix maps. This can be done with the write_prefix_map() function like in the following:

import json
from curies_rs import get_bioregistry_converter

converter = get_bioregistry_converter()

prefix_map = json.loads(converter.write_prefix_map())
assert prefix_map['chebi'] == ''
import {getBioregistryConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getBioregistryConverter();

    prefix_map = JSON.parse(converter.writePrefixMap());
use curies::sources::get_bioregistry_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_bioregistry_converter().await?;

    let prefix_map = converter.write_prefix_map();
    // This returns a HashMap
    match prefix_map.get("chebi") {
        Some(value) => println!("{}", value),
        None => println!("Key not found"),

πŸ› οΈ Modifying a Context

πŸ”¨ Incremental Converters

New data can be added to an existing converter with either converter.add_prefix() or converter.add_record(). For example, a CURIE and URI prefix for HGNC can be added to the OBO Foundry converter with the following:

from curies_rs import get_obo_converter

converter = get_obo_converter()
converter.add_prefix("hgnc", "")
import {Converter, Record} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    // Populate from Records
    const rec1 = new Record("obo", "", [], []);

    const converter = new Converter();
    converter.addPrefix("hgnc", "");
use curies::sources::get_obo_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut converter = get_obo_converter().await?;

    converter.add_prefix("hgnc", "")?;

Alternatively you can construct a Record object, which allows to pass synonyms lists, and start from a blank Converter:

from curies_rs import Converter, Record

converter = Converter()
record = Record(
import {Converter, Record} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = new Converter();
    const record = new Record("hgnc", "", ["HGNC"], [""]);
use curies::{Converter, Record};
use std::collections::HashSet;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut converter = Converter::default();

    let record = Record {
        prefix: "hgnc".to_string(),
        uri_prefix: "".to_string(),
        prefix_synonyms: HashSet::from(["HGNC".to_string()]),
        uri_prefix_synonyms: HashSet::from([""].map(String::from)),
        pattern: None,

By default, both of these operations will fail if the new content conflicts with existing content. If desired, the merge argument can be set to true to enable merging. Further, checking for conflicts and merging can be made to be case insensitive by setting case_sensitive to false.

Such a merging strategy is the basis for wholesale merging of converters, described below.

⛓️ Chaining and merging

Chain together multiple converters, prioritizes based on the order given. Therefore, if two prefix maps having the same prefix but different URI prefixes are given, the first is retained. The second is retained as a synonym

from curies_rs import get_obo_converter, get_go_converter, get_monarch_converter

converter = (
import {getOboConverter, getGoConverter, getMonarchConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getOboConverter()
        .chain(await getGoConverter())
        .chain(await getMonarchConverter());
use curies::Converter;
use curies::sources::{get_obo_converter, get_go_converter, get_monarch_converter};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = Converter::chain(vec![

βœ’οΈ Writing a Context

Write the converter prefix map as a string in different serialization format:

from curies_rs import get_bioregistry_converter

converter = get_bioregistry_converter()

epm = converter.write_extended_prefix_map()
pm = converter.write_prefix_map()
jsonld = converter.write_jsonld()
shacl = converter.write_shacl()
import {getBioregistryConverter} from "@biopragmatics/curies";

async function main() {
    const converter = await getBioregistryConverter();

    const epm = converter.writeExtendedPrefixMap()
    const pm = converter.writePrefixMap()
    const jsonld = converter.writeJsonld()
    const shacl = converter.writeShacl()
use curies::sources::get_bioregistry_converter;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let converter = get_bioregistry_converter().await?;

    let epm = converter.write_extended_prefix_map()?;
    let pm = converter.write_prefix_map();
    let jsonld = converter.write_jsonld();
    let shacl = converter.write_shacl()?;